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#dev: 22 posts tagged

The case for continued learning, and getting side projects out the door


The end of 2022 brought about a ton of change for me, and a major shift in my career. I'm excited to talk a little about what's next, and to show off a side project I'm readying for release soon.

Devs: It's okay to use no-code tools

Embrace no-code tools to save time, boost efficiency, and complement your coding skills. No-code is the future - don't be left behind!

Embrace no-code tools to save time, boost efficiency, and complement your coding skills. No-code is the future - don't be left behind!

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What the Heck is a Fullstack Developer? Aquent UK

Article screenshot: What the Heck is a Fullstack Developer? Aquent UK blog

An interview with my former employer (and parent company of Gymnasium), Aquent about my thoughts on what it means to be a Fullstack Developer.

Description from the article:

To shed light onto what is for many a mysterious role—Full Stack Developer—we talked to our own Star of the Full Stack, Mike Bifulco. Currently the Director of Technology for Aquent Gymnasium, he was previously a User Experience Lead and Program Manager at Microsoft.

Full article is available to read on Aquent UK's blog.

© 2019-2023 Mike Bifulco

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Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a co-founder & CTO at Craftwork. These are my opinions, and not necessarily the views of my employer.
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